Application cases

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Prédiction de l’évolution microstructural sous les effets de la température et la déformation

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Aubert & Duval a constaté une certaine dispersion entre les sorties de leurs modèles de recristallisation et leurs mesures issues d’essais de torsion et compression. [...]
Fatigue lifespan
Energy; Industry; Infrastructure;

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Numerical simulation makes it possible to evaluate the stress levels and deformations of a mechanical part right from the design phase. It is important to consider the fa[...]
Resizing a pylon foundation under reliability constraint

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The Eurocode 7 (foundations) does not consider the risk level of the structure which leads to incoherent sizing in comparison with the superstructure. Thus, some foundati[...]
Reliability of the pressure pipes
Energy; Infrastructure;

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EDF operates more than 450 hydroelectric plants that are supplied by 250 km of pressure pipes, aged of more than 60 years in average. Status diagnostics are regularly per[...]
Design and monitoring of batteries

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Between a third and the half of an electric city bus is due to the batteries. Thus, there life expectancy strongly impacts the economic reliability of a concept or a vehi[...]