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March, 21 of 2021

This Wednesday, March 31st, the Clermont Innovation Week, CAP 20-25, the LabEx IMobS63 and the pôle de Compétitivité CIMES propose an event dedicated to artificial intelligence in the industry. Phimeca will be present in the person of Fabien TAGHON, project manager for data science and fluid mechanics.

Introduction and background

9:00-9:10 am => Setting up and welcome by the organizers

9h10-9h25 => The regional panorama of work on Artificial Intelligence / AI: What are the challenges for the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region (Claire Ea/Auvergne Rhône Alpes Entreprises and Laurent Malnoe/DESRI)

9h25-9h45 => The scientific barriers to be removed for a massive deployment of AI in productive systems (Thierry Chateau/Professor UCA/Logiroad)

9:45-10:00 am => Exchanges

Presentation of scientific results and industrial R&D

10h00-10h20 Understanding product non-conformities and increasing productivity through data analysis (Fabien TAGHON / Phimeca)

10:20-10:40 => Activity recognition for automatic processing of eye tracking data (Céline Teulière / UCA)

10 min Q/R – Break

10h50-11h10 => Use of learning methods in quality control for early defect detection (Nicolas BRESSAT / Vibratec)

11h10-11h30 => Artificial intelligence applied to the control of the dynamic behavior of a robot (Quentin Dechambres / UCA PhD student)

11h30-11h50 The insertion of turnkey flexibility in production lines (Cyril ROUCHON / PCI SCEMM)

12:15 pm Closing

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